01368 868356

Why choose Glow Bambino East Lothian?

We are a little bit different from usual baby classes because our full adventure is based around and follows a story!
WooWoo, our magical glow worm, will take you on adventures to worlds of wonder where you can watch your little ones face light up as they see and explore our many unique props. Our props have all been carefully selected to help with early development.

Who doesn’t love glowing objects? We know all of our little Glow Bambinos are mesmerised each week by our unique lighting and props.

After class, Softspott have kindly offered 1 hour of play in their softplay for free!!



Age range:

8 weeks – 18 months (APPROX)

Toddler sessions coming very soon!

Check out our video to see a sneak peek of what your baby will experience at our rainbow-lit adventures!